Game Of Thrones Season 7 Finale: 12 Last Minute Rumours You Need To Know
12. Cersei Will Try To Kill Everyone
It's already been heavily foreshadowed that Cersei has a plan for her enemies when they come to King's Landing. She pretty much said as much herself, while Tyrion has confessed he fully expects the Targaryen Alliance to be walking into a trap. (Another score for the book of Tyrion's great ideas).
Quite what that trap will be remains to be seen, but there are significant rumours that Cersei has chosen the Dragonpit not only as a symbolic taunt to Dany (since it's a monument to her family's fall), but also a logistical choice, as there could still be Wildfire under the pit.
But surely she wouldn't try another Sept Of Baelor-style disaster?
There are actually hints in the soundtrack that suggest that might be exactly what she's doing. The biggest comes in the shape of the ominously titled "No One Walks Away From Me" track - which sounds exactly like something she'll say - and which has elements of "The Light Of The Seven" track, which played when the Sept Exploded at the end of season 6. That call-back should send shivers up your spine.