Game Of Thrones Season 8: 8 Criticisms Which Are Fully Unjustified

6. The Night King's Death Was Premature And Wasteful

Game Of Thrones Jaime Criticisms

In hindsight, it seems clear that the mid-season death of the Night King was part of a long running ploy to trick viewers into thinking Game of Thrones had morphed into a simplified tale of good versus evil.

It could even be speculated that the intention was to make viewers feel grateful they fell for it.

The final charge of the army of the dead deserved no less than the tsunami clash fans got in The Long Night. It was nasty, it was tense, but ultimately, it was chocked with heroic deeds, heart-warming allegiances, and even more surprisingly, a happy ending.

Then, along came The Bells, which unraveled all of this. White Walkers were never the true horror. The Night King was a dude with a plan and never anything more.

This was a story riddled with the schemes of dragons and living dead creatures. And yet the things human beings did to each other were the things to make the skin crawl; a sort of warped version of real life that would have anyone running kicking and screaming back towards the Night King for an easy black-and-white stand-off.


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