Game Of Thrones Season 8: 8 Things We Already Know

5. Locations

Winterfell Game Of Thrones

One of the reasons Game of Thrones takes so long to film is that it's shot across multiple countries, rather than just one single location. Filming on the show has typically taken place in the likes of Belfast and Iceland, with Croatia and Spain heavily utilised as well, and Season 8 is no different, with the filming locations offering some potential clues as to what we can expect.

Watchers on the Wall, who keep a keen eye on the production of Thrones, report that the show is looking to return to Itálica’s Roman amphitheatre and Seville's Royal Shipyards, which were used for the Dragonpit and Red Keep dungeons, meaning a return to both of those could be on the cards.

They also note that the show is on the lookout for a new castle, and more specifically a rounded tower, with an eye on Urueña Castle. This could be a number of locales from the series, but one that stands out is the idea of the show introducing White Harbour, the home of House Manderly. It's an increasingly key port city, since it's where the likes of Jon and Daenerys will be sailing towards before heading on to Winterfell, so there's a good chance we can expect to see some scenes there.

Finally, it's reported that the Winterfell set is undergoing some fairly extensive reconstruction work, which suggests an even more prominent role for the seat of House Stark. It's where a number of major characters are heading and, with the White Walkers now south of the Wall, could be the setting for a big battle between the living and the dead. The same also goes for King's Landing, with a major tower unveiled and a set-piece seemingly likely.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.