Game Of Thrones Season 8 Breakdown: What 'The Long Night' REALLY Means

2. More Space For Jon/Dany And Dany/Sansa Conflict

Game Of Thrones Arya Sansa

The Last War isn't just about throwing soldiers and dragonfire at the Golden Company and seeing who ends up with someone left to claim the Iron Thrones, it's far more subtle and complex than that, which is precisely why it's been giving top billing on the Game Of Thrones fight card.

More important than the exhilarating battlefield conflict we are bound to see is the conflict between Dany and Jon that was seeded when Jon revealed the secret of his heritage in the Crypt and that between Sansa (representing the North) and Dany as the potential ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.

Those two conflicts deserve an episode, because there is a lot to them and both are definitely coming. As pretty on-the-nose reminders, Sansa throws shade at the Dragon Queen to Tyrion (and mentions a conflict) and then even as they ally together on their dragons, Jon and Dany literally crash into each other. Allowing those dynamics to breathe without so much battle is not entirely a bad thing.


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