Game Of Thrones Season 8 Breakdown: What 'Winterfell' REALLY Means

9. Bronn's Mission

Game of Thrones Bronn

Just when you're beginning to suspect that Bronn might value companionship more than gold.

He had grown close to Jaime over the past couple of seasons, teaching him to fight again with his big golden hand and staring down dragon's nostrils together, while also saving him for certain death. Surely there was some affection there and it wasn't all just a matter of an employee protecting his boss?

Well, we're now going to find out what pulls at Bronn's plonker hardest, as it were. Qyburn has tasked him with killing the Lannister brothers should they make it through the war with the Night King and we're going to see whether his past relationships with both Tyrion AND Jaime can muster something like loyalty in him, despite him being given a great big pile of gold. Let's hope so, because otherwise he's probably going to be killed.

That's if he manages to survive the pox that Qyburn says one of his prostitutes is carrying, that is.


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