Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 - Every Death In 'The Bells' Ranked Worst To Best

2. The Hound

The Hound Arya

The other competitor in the Cleganebowl actually beats his brother in the death stakes not just because he's the one who instigates their death, but because of what his death might mean to Arya.

Sandor reveals an almost paternal protective instinct when he bids the young Stark farewell and tells her to leave lest she become him reincarnated. And it's only through that influence - a paternal one she's missed since Ned was killed and she was removed from her brothers' sides - that she drops her remaining obsession with her Kill List.

It's a little convenient that this conversation had never happened to this point, admittedly, but it was a great way of reassuring fans that she's not going to end up going full Jaqen Ha'gar as well as giving The Hound's sacrifice an even more emotional piquancy. And just to give him his final mythology-boosting moment, he even managed to resist Gregor's fabled double eye gouge longer than Oberyn Martell.


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