Game Of Thrones Season 8: Every Character Still Alive For The Finale (And What They'll Do)

23. Meera Reed

Game of Thrones Meera Reed

Last Seen: Heading home to Greywater Watch to be with her family (and her father who is so mythological at this stage that he's never going to appear and still be counted as a legend, somehow). She was headed there as of season 7 and the White Walkers didn't make it that far South, so her family will be safe.

Chances Of A Sighting: Very unlikely. She's got no dog in the fight unless the entire remaining Houses of Westeros come out to stand against Dany? It doesn't feel like there's enough time left for that now.

22. Hot Pie

Game of Thrones Hot Pie

Last Seen: In season 6, telling Arya about Jon's victory at the Battle Of The Bastards and assuring her he is a survivor. He'll still be at the Inn At The Crossroads, most likely.

Chances Of A Sighting: Zero. There's no call for anyone to go to the inn and he's hardly going to be making a sandwich run to King's Landing in the current climate.


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