Game Of Thrones Season 8 Finale: 10 Ups And 3 Downs From 'The Iron Throne'
5. Queen In The North
After being a no-show in The Bells, Sansa returns in The Iron Throne, and while her role isn't the biggest in terms of screentime, it more than makes up for it in terms of payoff.
When she's not immediately telling everyone that her brother's dick doesn't work, she's focused on the one thing she's cared about above all else for the past couple of seasons: the North.
There must always be a Stark in Winterfell, and none of them deserves to rule the North more than Sansa: not only because of everything she's been through, but because she is one of the best rulers around, who understands her people deeply and knows what's best for them. She may have learned how to play the game from the likes of Cersei and Littlefinger, but what this finale shows much more than that is she is Ned Stark's daughter.
We've had two triumphant King in the North sequences on this show, and now we get Queen in the North: a moment every bit as great as those others were. As she walks through the Great Hall of Winterfell, taking her place as ruler of an independent North (and again, the costume work is INSANELY good here), it's the kind to make your heart soar.