Game Of Thrones Season 8 Finale: Every Survivor's Ending Ranked Worst To Best

9. Grey Worm

Grey Worm Missandei

Again, with Dany in danger, it always looked like Grey Worm was going to die because of the strength of his allegiance with the Targaryen Queen. She was his liberator and no matter what she was to anyone else, to him she was everything she claimed to be. Everything she aspired to be beyond a Targaryen in power.

That makes his willingness to allow her killer and the man who betrayed her both go free, frankly, but it at least gave him a chance of retirement rather than having to be killed. And given what he's been through, that's a good thing, particularly because Grey Worm's parting desire is both romantic and dutiful: he wants to go to Naath to free Missandei's people and to start the life away from Westeros they had discussed.

The only problem, of course, is that Naath has a butterfly problem. Or at least, it has for non-natives, who the butterflies like to fill with fatal toxins. So he and his entire Unsullied crew are probably doomed.


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