Game Of Thrones Season 8 - 'The Long Night': Every Death Ranked

8. Dolorous Edd

dolorous Edd

How He Died

With the Dothraki fallen and the Dead Army starting to over-run Winterfell, there are repeated moments where someone steps in to save the life of another character. Almost like this show is really invested in the bonds between characters, or something.

The first notable death that we actually see on screen goes to Dolorous Edd, who might have taken the L from Sam Tarly in episode 2 thanks to his scathing virgin jokes but who still came to his aid when all looked lost. Edd's reward was a fatal wight blade to the back that made him cough his guts up and die.

Not a great way to go.

What It Means

Very little, unfortunately, because Edd was very much expected to die and seeing him go - even heroically - was one of the slightest shocks of the entire episode. Now his watch is over, which is good, given what he's been through, but it's not one that will send major ripples through the world.


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