Game Of Thrones Season 8 Trailer Review: 7 Ups And 5 Downs

2. Just Enough Fan-Bait

Game oF Thrones Gendry

With the fairly rampant accusations that Season 7 of Thrones was a little too into catering to the fans with fan-bait, it's actually really good that there's so much restraint shown here.

Think about it: given the possibilities of what could be coming, this trailer could have featured teases of Ice Spiders, a look at a normal dragon and an ice dragon meeting, something from the possible Cleganebowl... But instead, we get SOME fan-bait, like Gendry appearing or Pod and Brienne standing on the front-line together or the first look at Harry Strickland amounting to a glimpse of the back of his definitely beautiful head (he looks like the next level of Jaime's evolution).

Even the use of the dragons is pretty restrained and it's admirable that they've held back.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.