Game Of Thrones Season 8 Trailer Review: 7 Ups And 5 Downs

4. Tyrion?!

Tyrion Game Of Thrones

Right, so obviously it would be difficult to include every single living character in the Game Of Thrones universe right now, so some trade-off on screen-time is bound to happen, but it's still unfortunate that Tyrion gets short shrift.

His single shot - which actually looked pretty much identical to a shot used in a previous trailer (albeit with an older, slightly gnarlier Tyrion) - is also emblematic of his treatment as a whole over the past few seasons. He's a stark reminder in the show of George RR Martin's presence (like, literally), and it almost feels like he's being shunted aside on purpose because of that.

A little more would have gone a long way.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.