Game Of Thrones Season 8: WILL The Dead Starks Rise From Winterfell Crypt?

2. The Story Evidence

Sam Gilly Game Of Thrones

There's another thing you have to consider at this juncture. Plot armour.

The story has positioned WAY too many valuable characters in the Crypts. This is not a Sept Of Baelor moment where all of the characters were expendable because they were coming to the end of their important storylines. There are some really, really important people down there.

Chief amongst those names are Tyrion, Samwell Tarly and Sansa. Varys is a pretty big deal too, naturally, but he could probably die now - the others have important roles to play. Or at least that's what we've been led to believe, so they can't all die in impossible circumstances in the Crypt.

SOME of them can die down there in the dark, but not all.

And then there's the fact that the end of "A Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms" also confirmed that the Night king is not lining up to attack Winterfell. What if that is because of his knowledge of the magic surrounding the Crypt thanks to its links to Bran The Builder? He simply wouldn't put himself in a position of vulnerability.

But maybe this is all too rosey? There is another possibility, of course...


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