Game Of Thrones Theories: 13 Epic Season 6 Moments Still To Come
11. Davos Versus Melisandre
The Red Priestess may have pulled Jon Snow back from the jaws of eternity, but her actions in the rest of the show's seasons - murdering Renly Baratheon with her deadly gas, threatening Gendry, implanting the idea of killing Shireen - mean she's irredeemable.
And now that Davos is seemingly aware of the death of Shireen (as per the teaser for the next episode), it's likely that he's going to come for her head. And he's going to take it.
Likelihood: 9/10
Let's hope he does her in like she deserves. The trailer has obviously already shown Davos' discovering of Shireen's pyre (hopefully this comes after the battle, but I can't see it), and the next steps write themselves.
That would also give the writers of the show a no-take-back way of ensuring Melisandre can't interfere either in the Battle of the Bastards with her magic, or bring Jon back if he falls (no matter how much he asks her not to).