Game Of Thrones: What If Joffrey Was The Hero? 7 Ways It Would Have Changed

2. Tyrion Wouldn't Be So Loved

Nobody likes an abusive uncle, and in the video made by BloodBlitz Comedy, Tyrion is Joff's abusive, drunk uncle. They use every slap Tyrion gives Joffrey that once made us rejoice and turns is around so that we feel sorry for Joffrey. The buggers. He doesn't seem to have much purpose in the video (or in Joffrey's hero story), other than to slap little Joff around a bit and take Sansa off of his hands when Maergery Tyrell steps in to wed the king. Somehow, I don't think that would make the imp as likeable as he is to fans right now. I mean, what would be Tyrion's whole purpose in the show? Yes he was Hand of the King, but by the picture painted of him, it seems that he would have been the new sadist in town, with Joffrey being the sweet little king who was bullied into taking his terrible uncle on as his advisor. I don't know about you, but I just couldn't live in a world where Tyrion isn't awesome.

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