Game Of Thrones: 10 Actors' Past Roles Which Ruin Their Character

4. Rory McCann

HoundGoT Role: Sandor Clegane (The Hound) Past Role: Scott's Porridge Oats Man With half of his face melted into scar tissue and a vicious temper, Sandor Clegane is not a man to cross. Known commonly as The Hound he is an imposing presence, one that up until recently was loyal to Joffrey's commands. While we see some brief slivers of light through his darkness, it is clear that this is a man who has seen too much war and death. Although he is a skilled fighter he is disfigured and disillusioned, he doesn't care much for his own well being and comes off as a tragic character. This is not true of the Scott's Porridge Oats man, what a hunk. He rides through the highlands in his kilt spreading the dual joys of a chiseled physique and healthy breakfast porridge. He's a determined man, willing to swim through icy rivers just to indulge in his Scott's Porridge Oats. It's hard to believe that this handsome chap plays The Hound. It seems that he decided it was time to take a break from wooing ladies and find his dark side. Bonus role: Not content with fantasy dramas and advertising oat based goods he also played Michael Armstrong ("Yarp") in Hot Fuzz.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson