Game Of Thrones: 10 Small Moments That Will Come Back In Big Ways

6. The Lannisters Send Their Regards

"Jaime Lannister sends his regards." For readers, few lines of the A Song of Ice and Fire saga are as iconic as this, first flippantly suggested by Jaime as he took his leave of Roose Bolton at Harrenhal, then uttered by Roose as he twisted the sword in Robb Stark's heart. Indeed, there are plenty of passages in the books whose omissions on screen readers have accepted easily enough, but to skip some iteration of this line altogether would have been a genuine offense. Fortunately, it was included with only the slightest bit of tweaking. In deference to Season 3's rehabilitation of the Kingslayer, "Jaime Lannister" was changed to "The Lannisters." That was okay. The point was made to any survivors-turned-captives-for-ransom that all appearances aside, the Boltons and Freys were not the only parties responsible for the Red Wedding. The Lannisters, via the machinations of patriarch Tywin, had a hand in the massacre as well. Why It Matters: Roose's utterance aside, plenty of people in Westeros would have figured that House Lannister had something to do with the apparent dissolution of House Stark in the male line. The mutual enmity between the two families was hardly a secret, and the Lannisters have hardly proven above fighting dirty. Still, there is a marked difference between the suspicion of Lannister involvement by detractors and confirmation by a co-conspirator. With the family tainted by association with the guest right violation, the Red Wedding will have lasting social consequences for House Lannister, particularly in the wake of Tywin's death and Tyrion's flight. Cersei is left as the lion with the most political influence; with her general failures of delicacy and tact in this arena, things are only likely to get worse. Besides, come Season 6 or 7, Arya and Nymeria may just show up with some regards of their own.

Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .