Game Of Thrones: 10 Small Moments That Will Come Back In Big Ways

7. Myrcella Baratheon Goes To Dorne

Shortly after his arrival in King's Landing to serve as Hand to Joffrey, Tyrion begins entertaining possibilities for betrothal to Princess Myrcella. Against Cersei's wishes, it is decided that Myrcella will be sent to Dorne to live as ward until she comes of age to marry a prince, both to secure Dornish support in the war and to remove her from the capital before a siege that could well end in the massacre of every Lannister in King's Landing. Myrcella is last seen in Season 2, being taken to the ship that would carry her to Dorne. Why She Matters: Relations between the Lannisters of Casterly Rock and the Martells of Dorne had been strained ever since Tywin sacked King's Landing and allowed the deaths of the Dornish princess and her children. While the betrothal of Myrcella and the youngest Martell boy served to create a seemingly shaky alliance between the two families, the loss of Prince Oberyn reopened new wounds. After Joffrey's death, there are those of the Martells who believe that the Seven Kingdoms should cede to Dornish law and allow Myrcella to rightfully claim the Iron Throne before her younger brother Tommen. Although a plot to crown her as queen fails (and the princess maimed), the Martell influence over young Myrcella grows. Already a nation inclined to support a return to Targaryen rule, Myrcella's presences in Dorne may yet serve as a powerful bargaining chip in the ongoing conflict.

Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .