Game Of Thrones: 10 Things We Learned From "The Children"

1. Tyrion Gets His Revenge

In the middle of the night, Tyrion is awoken by someone opening his cell door: Jaime. His brother has come to free him! He tells Tyrion about the galley in the bay waiting for him, and that Varys is helping them. The brothers bid farewell to each other, but instead of going to the locked door at the top of the staircase as Jaime instructed, Tyrion heads down a passageway. Infiltrating the Tower of the Hand, he sneaks into his father€™s bedroom, but finds a woman in the bed: Shae! She turns to see Tyrion and grabs a knife to defend herself. Tyrion jumps on the bed and disarms her. After a brief struggle, he grabs her necklace and strangles her until she€™s dead. Letting go, he says he€™s sorry and weeps for her until a look of anger creeps along his face. Seeing a crossbow hanging on the wall, he grabs it and leaves the room. He heads down the hall to the privy to find his father on the john. Tywin is surprised to see his son freed and tries to talk Tyrion into lowering the crossbow. Tyrion quietly states that all his life, Tywin has wanted him dead. Tywin agrees, but says he respects Tyrion€™s will in staying alive. He claims that he was never going to be executed, but Tyrion sees through the lie. He tells his father that he murdered Shae, to which Tywin says it doesn€™t matter since she was a whore. Ooh, bad thing to say, dude. Tyrion raises the crossbow higher and says that Tywin knew that Joffrey didn€™t die at his hand, but he sentenced his son to die anyway. Tywin says they€™ll go back to his chambers to discuss this, but Tyrion tells him they can€™t because Shae€™s body is in the bed. Tywin asks him, €œAre you afraid of a dead whore?€ Calling Tyrion€™s bluff was a bad move, as Tyrion promptly shoots him. Gazing astoundingly at the arrow in his chest, Tywin declares that Tyrion is no son of his. Tyrion states he has always been his son and delivers the killing shot. Dropping the crossbow, he heads back to the locked door at the staircase and knocks. Varys opens it and realizes immediately that Tyrion has done something. However, they can€™t wait any longer. Varys stuffs Tyrion in a crate and puts it on a boat, but as he heads back to the castle, bells begin chiming signaling Tywin€™s death. Realizing it€™s no longer safe there, Varys heads back to the ship and sits next to the crate. It was bad enough that she humiliated him at his trial, but sleeping with his father was the ultimate betrayal. Whatever they may have had in the past is gone. This woman hurt him in more ways than he can count, and he can€™t let her get away with these actions. The same goes for his father. Except for Cersei, Tywin is the person most responsible for Tyrion€™s troubles in life. Like Cersei, Tywin believes that Tyrion is responsible for his wife€™s death. Coupled with being a dwarf, he€™s done his best to make sure Tyrion has had a miserable life, and even tried to have him killed a couple times. He was so insistent on seeing him dead that he was willing to frame his own son for a crime he clearly did not commit. Well, after years of abuse and ridicule, Tyrion finally had his revenge, and best of all, he got the last laugh by killing his father in the privy. Certainly not the most dignified way to leave the land of the living.

Adam Holmes is a writer who loves a good story whether it's fact or fiction. When he's not day-dreaming about time travel, he's usually immersing himself in all things film, television and comic books. He hopes to one day break into the entertainment journalism industry. Yes, he is aware of his resemblance to Clark Kent and McLovin. Keep up on the latest geek news by following his articles at Unleash The Fanboy: