Game Of Thrones: 10 Things We Learned From “Two Swords”

1. There€™s Bad Blood Between The Lannisters And Martells

New players were introduced in the season premiere. With Joffrey and Margarey€™s wedding nearing, more guests are arriving for the ceremony, most notably the Martells of Dorne, who have bad history with the Lannisters. With Prince Doran Martell€™s ill health, his brother Oberyn comes in his stead, but is not part of the arriving party. It turns out he arrived in King€™s Landing earlier to visit a whorehouse with his paramour Ellaria Sand. Before they can begin their orgy, Oberyn gets into a fight with two Lannisters. Later, during a conversation between Oberyn and Tyrion, we learn that Oberyn€™s sister was Elia, wife of Rhaegar Targaryen. During the war, Elia€™s children were butchered by Gregor Clegane, while she was raped and split in two by The Mountain. Knowing that Clegane serves Tywin, Oberyn informs Tyrion to let his father know that the Lannisters aren€™t the only ones who pay their debts. Right from his introduction, we can see that Oberyn is one cool guy. Great with the ladies (and men), he€™s also skilled in combat. As the season goes on, we€™ll likely learn more about the troubling history between the two families. With Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson playing Clegane this season, it€™s also reasonable to assume that there will be a showdown between Oberyn and him in a future episode. Clegane may be a hulking giant, but Oberyn looks like he can handle himself in a fight.

Adam Holmes is a writer who loves a good story whether it's fact or fiction. When he's not day-dreaming about time travel, he's usually immersing himself in all things film, television and comic books. He hopes to one day break into the entertainment journalism industry. Yes, he is aware of his resemblance to Clark Kent and McLovin. Keep up on the latest geek news by following his articles at Unleash The Fanboy: