Game Of Thrones: 20 Most Paused Moments

14. The Dragon (Season 1, Episode 10)

Season one ends with the demise of Khal Drogo who, while in a catatonic state, is smothered to death by Daenerys. As the funeral pyre is being built, she places the three dormant dragon eggs that have been teasing viewers so far on the pyre along with crafty witch Mirri, with the combination of blood and fire apparently allowing the eggs to hatch. Day comes, and Daenerys emerges from the smoldering detritus with three baby dragons in tow, to the surprise of everyone around her. Fantasy elements are relatively muted throughout the show, and the hatching of the dragons was one of the first major fantastical flourishes, one which worked brilliantly due to both the build-up and the excellent quality of the visual effects.

13. Melisandre Gets Pregnant (Season 2, Episode 2)

Easily one of the sexiest characters on Game of Thrones is priestess Melisandre, an intimidating seductress who promptly manages to use her sexuality to wrap Stannis Baratheon around her little finger. She promises Stannis a son if he completely submits to the Lord of Light, leading to a ridiculous sex scene in which the pair go at it on a table carved in the shape of Westeros. Carice van Houten is obviously an extremely attractive woman, but the kinkiness of the scene and our knowing that this probably isn't going to end well just makes it that much hotter. For all of the criticism the show gets about the weak positions women are placed in, here is an example of one using her natural gifts to hold power over a man led astray by the most basic of human urges.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.