Game Of Thrones: 5 Winners & 5 Losers In 'Breaker Of Chains'

1. The Breaker Of Chains (Daenerys)

It is no accident that Daenerys often doesn€™t appear throughout an episode until the very end, yet the episode is titled after her or for her actions. For one thing, her plotline in places is not all that heavy or exciting; there isn€™t too much you can do with an army marching from A to B, which is what she is doing for most of the time. The other reason though, is that the moments when she shines carry the most resonance with the viewers. Of all the characters in Game of Thrones so far, there are really only three true €œheroes€. That is, characters who are on a quest to fight for the life and rights of others. Jon Snow is one, and Bran is another, for they alone know the true war is against the White Walkers (by extension of proximity, Sam, Jojen and Meera fall into this category as well, but they are sidekicks, not heroes). You could argue that Robb Stark was a hero as well, and no doubt he was, but his fight was to claim justice for a specific act of personal wrongdoing, not for the general good of others. The third true hero is therefore Daenerys (you could also make a case for Melisandre and the Brotherhood Without Banners, who are technically fighting for the good of mankind, though their motivations and methods are questionable). Daenerys€™ quest to reclaim the Iron Throne began as a personal endeavour: it is a prize that she claims by rights. Along the way however, she has learnt about the true injustices of power and how it corrupts those who wield it. This has been revealed to her (and to us) in the form of slavery. Outside the realms of television, we have had our own dark history with this most despicable of human acts. Daenerys€™ war against slavery is therefore an effective storytelling device for revealing the heroic nature of her character. As viewers, we can strongly identify with her stance against something commonly agreed upon in the real world as being wrong and against the good of others. That is why moments such as the end of €˜Breaker of Chains€™ impart a lasting impression on us, and why it is often the last scene we see before the credits.

Freelance writer and part-time Football Manager addict.