Game Of Thrones: 5 Winners & 5 Losers In 'Breaker Of Chains'

4. Stannis Baratheon

The rightful king of the Andals and the First Men has a magical god on his side, who shifts the fates to murder his enemies from afar, yet Stannis Baratheon is still stuck on a rock in the ocean with no money and no army. He€™s a firm believer now in the Lord of Light, having seen the evidence of the God€™s power, so really there should be nothing holding him back. Unfortunately, as Ser Davos points out, the magic of a god, whether real or not, does not win a war on the ground like soldiers do. Stannis€™ problem is that he is in danger of becoming desperate, which could lead him down a course of action that could result in his ruin. As kings drop like flies on the mainland, it might seem like the ideal time to strike, however the power structure and the strength behind Joffrey€™s claim is still in effect. Stannis, for all his desire and will, is helplessly floundering at the edge of the conflict. If he keeps burning his allies and trusting in bad advice, Stannis is going to have a very short career in losing.

Freelance writer and part-time Football Manager addict.