Game Of Thrones: 5 Winners & 5 Losers In 'Breaker Of Chains'

3. Sam

Poor old Sam has found a way to put himself in the friend zone when it seems like his favourite girl is probably open to something more between them. Voluntary admission is a whole new level of entry into that oh-so-awkward club. Even Ser Jorah is face palming, watching Sam step nervously around his feelings. Obviously Sam has no idea how to engage Gilly (or just girls in general) in that kind of relationship, making it hilariously squirmy for the viewer, but not so enjoyable for Sam, who is one of the most likeable characters on the show. Sam has a lot of qualities: he€™s intelligent, kind, incredibly loyal, and despite most claims, brave when he needs to be. Regardless of all that, Sam€™s just one of those guys who was born to lose, cursed to carry bad luck around with him wherever he goes, and nothing€™s ever going to change that. This aspect of his personality is highlighted even more now that he€™s managed to find a girl that actually likes him, perhaps more than a friend, and he has no idea how to deal with that level of intimacy. Sam is inexperienced in such matters, which no doubt stems from his lack of self-confidence, a trait instilled in him by his bullying father. Hopefully, moving Gilly to the Mole€™s Town brothel in an effort to protect her from his horny brothers won€™t spell an end to their scenes together (it seems unlikely), and maybe over time and with practice, Sam will learn how to talk to women.

Freelance writer and part-time Football Manager addict.