Game Of Thrones: 5 Winners & 5 Losers In 'First Of His Name'

The Losers:

5. Hodor

Poor old Hodor detests violence, and he€™s afraid of most threatening situations: thunder, being poked with weapons, and generally being taken hostage. For a guy with giants€™ blood in him, he€™s a bit of a soft touch. Hodor is a servant to a high lord, and as such, he€™s pretty much used to doing chores. His lord is also a cripple, so being half giant and all, it€™s expected that Hodor is going to be the one to get the job of carrying his lord around in a backpack. One clause they didn€™t put in the job description though is the part where his lord is allowed to use powerful warg magic to possess Hodor's body and make him murder the seven hells out of people. Perhaps Hodor neglected to read the fine print in the contract. Bran takes some serious liberties with employers rights and uses his abilities to make Hodor save him from the clutches of Locke, taking full advantage of the half-giant€™s strength to break Locke€™s neck. OK, so maybe it had to be done, given the circumstances and the peril that Bran was in, but all joking aside, Hodor is clearly horrified when he regains control of himself to find Locke€™s fresh corpse at his feet, his neck savagely snapped, and blood soaking Hodor€™s hands. Even a guy with Hodor€™s wits can put two-and-two together. What€™s worse is that Hodor can€™t even express his misgivings to Bran. He€™s a servant, so it isn€™t his place, but neither can he express it in words, as the only thing he can say is his own name. You€™d expect that as the unlikely troupe gets deeper and deeper into the wild north, Bran is going to have to use Hodor to do much more, taking direct control of his body when they encounter more severe dangers on their quest. You€™d also expect that Hodor isn€™t going to like it.

Freelance writer and part-time Football Manager addict.