Game Of Thrones: 5 Winners And 5 Losers In 'The Laws Of Gods And Men'

2. Shae

To Tyrion€™s disbelief, Shae is brought forward as the surprise final witness in his trial for King Joffrey€™s murder. To his further disbelief, Shae lies to the court and accuses Tyrion of having conspired with his wife Sansa to poison the king. Shae also reveals the intimate details of their relationship, but lies about her willing participation. Now obviously, we cannot blame Shae for her role in the trial or the tale she spins, she has clearly been coerced into discrediting Tyrion €“ what we can do, however, is question the underlying flaw in her character.

First, let us put to bed any notion that Shae€™s affections for Tyrion are insincere. Whilst it is true that their relationship began as a contract between prostitute and client, it is clear that her feelings for him have become genuine over time. On several occasions she has vowed to protect him from those who want him dead, and has even suggested abandoning their life in the capital and running away together to the peace and security across the Narrow Sea. When Tyrion was forced to marry Sansa, Shae acted like a spurned and jealous lover, not a hired one, and if there was any remaining doubt as to her integrity, she defiantly turned down Varys€™ offer of a wealthy escape. If Shae€™s interest in Tyrion was material, then that was surely a desirable alternative.

Now we return to the scene of the trial, and Shae€™s one-eighty flip on her loyalty to Tyrion. By agreeing to sing Cersei€™s tune, whether coerced or not, Shae reveals the frailty of her previous words and actions. When truly tested, her resolve to defy Lannister authority has crumbled under threat. She might talk a big game, but when it comes down to it, Shae is a weak as everybody else, and is only looking out for number one.


Freelance writer and part-time Football Manager addict.