Game Of Thrones: 5 Winners And 5 Losers From 'Two Swords'

2. Tyrion

Tyrion can't seem to get a break from anywhere these days. It was not too long ago that he was living it up as Hand of the King: plotting and scheming with the best of them, burning invading fleets with wildfire, leading men into glorious battle and holding real power in his hands. The worst thing Tyrion did was actually doing his job well and winning the damned battle, because since then he has been swiftly demoted from king-in-all-but-name, to glorified accountant. Tyrion's struggles have now spilled over into his domestic life as well. He is stuck in an unhappy, unwanted marriage with a girl who hates him because his family murdered hers. He also can't be with the woman he actually loves because of that marriage (and his father's ruling), but must constantly be in her circle as she is his wife's handmaiden. On top of all that, Joffrey still wants to murder him, and Oberyn Martell has arrived in the capital with every last Lannister in his sights. Expect to see Tyrion frequent this side of the list in future episodes.

Freelance writer and part-time Football Manager addict.