Game Of Thrones: 7 Characters Who've Changed Beyond Recognition

6. The Hound

It's fair to say that the Hound once primarily appeared onscreen to look terrifying, and he still does that very well. The scene in which he brutally kills his brother's men in this episode is brilliantly directed, especially the unbearably tense conversation prior to the brawl itself, in which the close-ups become almost claustrophobic. It was breathtaking if not surprising, but did anyone think the Hound would come out with so many one-liners? We knew that Sandor Clegane was more than a mass of muscle when he looked out for Sansa Stark in King's Landing, but the choicest comic lines usually belong to Bronn, who admittedly gives us this gem loaded just the right degree of wry cynicism: "I need a sigil." Two Swords, however, belonged to the Hound, whose partnership with Arya is a stroke of genius not seen since Jaime and Brienne. "What the f*ck's a Lommy?" he mutters at one point, and Rory McCann imbues the question with genuine confusion. Arya is undeterred, as usual, but then the episode follows it up with one of the funniest exchanges in the show's history. Arya mentions that her sword is called Needle, prompting a derisive response from the Hound, to which Arya replies, "Lots of people name their swords." His answer to that doesn't bear repeating, but it's safe to say that the Hound remains unconvinced.

Grace Murray hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.