Game Of Thrones Season 4: 20 Most Eye-Catching Moments So Far

4. Is That A Dragon?

A dragon flying over King€™s Landing? How is that possible? This is one of the most talked about shots because even those who have read the books are perplexed, as Daenerys will not be invading Westeros this season (sorry show watchers). What could this shot mean? Does one of Dany€™s dragons take a stroll over the Narrow Sea without her knowing? Or maybe it€™s a vision Bran sees of the past or future. Nobody knows for sure, making it one of the biggest wild cards of the fourth season, and the most intriguing shot of the trailer.

3. White Walker

In this gloriously creepy shot as the end of the latest trailer, we see a White Walker riding a horse in a blizzard. Is it a White Walker though? Notice how the horse is alive, which is strange since we know they use reanimated corpses in their army. Some fans of the books think this might be more than just a normal White Walker, which is certainly possible. The White Walkers are very elusive. We rarely get to see them, so it is always a big deal when they show up. After all, when all is said and done, they are the real threat of the series. Hopefully we€™ll see more of them this season.

2. The Red Viper Unleashed

The most anticipated new character of the fourth season by far is Prince Oberyn Martell, or as he is more appropriately nicknamed, the Red Viper. Book readers know just how equally witty and dangerous Oberyn is, and all the footage of him shows this to indeed be the case. Here we see Oberyn fighting a huge armored man in a coliseum of sorts with just a spear and no armor. Notice how quick and agile he is. You don€™t want to mess with this guy, especially where vengeance is concerned. Seriously can€™t wait to see this character realized on-screen.

1. Fire And Blood

By far the most amazing shot released so far. We are so used to seeing baby dragons that can be controlled or put in a cage. But it is apparent from this glimpse of Daenerys€™s red dragon Drogon that they are growing fast, so fast that we can expect them to be significantly larger in season 4. The design and realization of the dragons has been top notch throughout the series, but this takes it to a whole new level. The amount of detail and fluidity of motion is staggering for a television series, which is great because it only adds to the epic nature of the story being told. Many jaws hit the floor when this shot graced our eyeballs, and for good reason. There are many reasons to be excited for this upcoming season, and big, angry dragons is definitely one of them. It's quote obvious that these shots are just a taste of the epicness that will befall us on April 6th. What are you excited for going into season 4? Let us know in the comments.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.