Game Of Thrones: Season 4 Death Watch (The Lion And The Rose)

11. Death Of The Week

After last week's sedate affair (at least until the last five minutes) there was much more to choose from this week. The young woman ripped apart by dogs during Ramsey Snow's violent hunt? Or maybe Queen Selyse Baratheon allowing Melisandre to burn her own 'heathen' brother on the stake? No. That's not why we're here. Not when we have possibly the most celebrated death in recent TV history The vile little turd that is King Joffrey Baratheon collapsed at his own wedding, choking on his own blood and dying in his mother's arms. Whoever poisoned Joffrey will remain a subject of debate for many weeks to come but for fans of the books and series alike, the agony of his death was extremely satisfying to watch. His face swollen, blood pouring from his nose, this villain finally got what he deserved. Is this a turning point for the good guys? Probably not.

A writer for Whatculture since May 2013, I also write for and am the TV editor and writer for . I wrote two plays for the Greater Manchester Horror Fringe in 2013, the first an adaption of Simon Clark's 'Swallowing A Dirty Seed' and my own original sci-fi horror play 'Centurion', which had an 8/10* review from Starburst magazine! ( I also wrote an episode for online comedy series Supermarket Matters in 2012. I aim to achieve my goal for writing for television (and get my novels published) but in the meantime I'll continue to write about those TV shows I love! Follow me on Twitter @BazGreenland and like my Facebook page