Games Of Thrones Season 4: 20 Most Hotly Anticipated Moments

12. Tyrion Imprisoned

While Joffrey getting what we all know he deserves is absolutely fantastic, it is spoiled by the fact that Tyrion is the one who takes the blame for his death. Having just seconds before been humiliated by Joffrey in front of all the royal guests, Cersei is given good reason for thinking Tyrion is the one who did it. Without a second€™s thought, she calls for him to be arrested and thrown in the dungeons. This is a huge moment for Tyrion because the stakes have never been higher. He has been in many difficult situations before, but none quite this dire. This isn€™t the usual problem where his wits can aid him. He is accused of murdering the king, a king who happens to be his nephew, making him an accursed kinslayer as well. There are numerous examples of him showing explicit verbal and physical disdain for Joffrey, which doesn€™t help his case. All those awesome moments where he put Joffrey down come to haunt him. Even worse, those that normally support him, like Bronn, start to consider him a lost cause. Held in a dungeon with no allies, it is a new low for the once mighty lion. It is a plotline that should have many viewers on the edge of their seats.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.