Games Of Thrones Season 4: 20 Most Hotly Anticipated Moments

8. Littlefinger Revealed

Following the death of King Joffrey, Sansa becomes a prime suspect in his death. Luckily for her, she is whisked away by Petyr €œLittlefinger€ Baelish to the Eyrie for protection. He is there wedding and bedding Lysa Arryn, obviously as a means of securing the Vale for himself. Petyr has actually always been in love with Catelyn, having fought for her hand and lost against Brandon Stark years ago, and now with Catelyn dead, Petyr is setting his sights on Sansa, who reminds him of her. After creeping on her for some time, Petyr actually kisses her. It also happens to have been seen by Lysa, and as we know, she is crazy. Threatening to throw Sansa out the moon door for irrationally believing she is trying to steal Petyr from her, it is revealed that Jon Arryn€™s death, the catalyst of the entire War of Five Kings, was actually her doing at the request of Petyr. After this huge bomb is dropped, Petyr reins Lysa€™s jealously back, only to push her out the moon door himself. This is a huge moment from A Storm Of Swords, and will assuredly be on the show as well. The implications are obvious. Suddenly, the war and the overall story itself are painted in a new light. The Lannisters are no longer assumed to be the killers of Jon Arryn. Littlefinger is revealed as a master manipulator, and far more dangerous than previously thought. Sansa is now drawn into all this and becomes a part of a plot that is greater than she knew. It is one of the best moments from the books, and hopefully it translates just as well to the screen.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.