Games Of Thrones Season 4: 20 Most Hotly Anticipated Moments

6. Tyrion's Trial

After Tyrion is accused of killing King Joffrey and thrown into the dungeons, he is eventually brought out to attend an extensive trial. The trial is, of course, a farce, with Cersei paying people off to smear his name, including even Shae. The whole affair is frustrating because you know he is innocent, and yet we, along with Tyrion, have to sit by as we witness another example of the powerless being unfairly persecuted by the powerful. This is par for the course with Game Of Thrones, so you€™d think you€™d get used to it, but it stings all the more when it happens to characters we care about. The whole trial is a painful procedure, which should make for great television. Even more intriguing is that Jaime will actually take part in the trial; defending his little brother when no one else will. This never happened in the book because Jaime hadn€™t made it to King€™s Landing yet, so this will be a significant addition to the show€™s version of the events. So the anticipation for this moment in season four not only comes from seeing an intense scene from the book adapted on screen, but also from the changes the show has made to the scene. And of course, it ends quite explosively.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.