Games Of Thrones Season 4: 20 Most Hotly Anticipated Moments

17. Arya Goes To Braavos

Ever since Arya got the offer from Jaqen H€™ghar to go to Braavos with him, it has been expected that there would be some kind of payoff. Despite her declining it, we all know Arya will get there eventually; it is just a matter of when. This is especially obvious when you consider the path Arya has taken. Ever since she started sword training with Syrio Forel back in season one, she has been trained in the ways of death, and her story has forced her to use what she learns to stay alive. By the end of season four, with nothing left to come back to, Arya finally makes use of the coin Jaqen gave her and takes off to Braavos to train as a faceless man. This is a huge moment for Arya, hence why it is one to look forward too. Not only is it the payoff to a plot set up way back in season two, but it moves her story forward in a new, exciting direction. Suddenly Arya is in uncharted territory. She is traveling outside of Westeros for the first time and is finally taking some control over her life. This moment brings her closer to eventually crossing off all those names on her list. Given how wronged she€™s been, we can€™t help but root for her, making the prospect of her becoming a master assassin all the more enticing.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.