Games Of Thrones Season 4: 20 Most Hotly Anticipated Moments

18. Yara Attacks The Dreadfort

At the end of season three, the Greyjoys received a grotesque gift from Ramsey Snow in the form of €œTheon€™s favorite toy.€ While Balon dismissed Theon as being lost, Yara (Asha in the books) recognized him as family regardless of his actions. In response, she took it upon herself to take a small crew of deadly iron born and march on the Dreadfort. There really isn€™t too much to say about this moment, if it happens at all, because it is a complete wild card of season four. Yara saving Theon from the Boltons doesn€™t happen in the books, so where this arc is going is a complete mystery for everyone. However, that is what makes it exciting, and why it is one of the most anticipated moments. Will she actually make it? If so, will there be a battle? Or will this particular arc take a completely unexpected turn? Given the nature of Game Of Thrones, this is almost certain. The question for those who read the books is just how Yara will eventually get back in the direction her story heads in the books, if she even does. Yara€™s arc this season diverges from the source material more so than most of the other storylines, so it should be really interesting to see it play out.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.