Games Of Thrones Season 4: 20 Most Hotly Anticipated Moments

14. The Liberation Of Meereen

Having liberated two of the three major slave cities along Slaver€™s Bay, Daenerys will be setting her sights on Meereen this season, which is as big as both Astapor and Yunkai combined, so it presents her with a much greater challenge. They know she is coming, so they put up a fight to keep her away. Judging from the previews, the show looks to be expanding this sequence a bit, which is why this moment is so anticipated. We€™ve seen glimpses of the champion of Meereen, the Unsullied assaulting Meereen€™s walls, and the slaves€™ revolt on their masters; all of which should be pretty awesome to see play out on screen. This is somewhat expected, though, as Daenerys doesn€™t have much more to do this season before getting into Dance with Dragons material, so it is logical to thoroughly detail her liberation of Meereen at a more deliberate pace. It will make it more epic, which is always a good thing.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.