Glee: 10 Best Finn Hudson Moments

9. "Hey! Take my hoodie!"

glee hoodie I find it unspeakably adorable when guys are protective of their girls. I decided in 9th grade that chivalry as defined in my English Lit texts was essentially dead, but I think it takes its form in this. In "Britney/Brittany," Rachel takes a stab at enhancing her image. My first impression of her Catholic schoolgirl outfit was "Dang! And she dresses like a toddler!" Then Finn, after staring entranced at her for half a minute, hustles over like it's a football play and insists on covering her up. At first, I was a little bit relieved that Finn was having a moment that required him to remember the driver vs. mailman accident, but it's even more amusing when he turns out to not be your typical teenage boy. He doesn't want Rachel to be a sex object and that's something that hasn't changed since Season 1.


That's Kaki pronounced like the pants, thank you very much, my family nickname and writing name. I am a Red Sox-loving, Doctor Who-quoting, Shaara-reading walking string quartet of a Mormon writer from Boston. I currently work 40 hours at a stressful desk job with a salary that lets me pick up and travel to places like Ireland or Philadelphia. I have no husband or kids, but I have five nephews to keep me entertained. When not writing, working or eating too much Indian food, I'm always looking for something new to learn, whether it's French or family history.