Glee: 5 Likely Character Predictions For The Future

I almost called this article "5 New Directions for the New Directions" but decided not to start the article in such a confusing, tongue twister way, but if you are familiar with the series (and I assume the fact that you clicked on this post means you are) then you can probably tell where I will be going with this article. This week marks four years since the Glee cast filmed the pilot episode, and also marks the end of the first week of Glee's four week hiatus. In this time of waiting until the knew episodes bring more Glee gleefulness into our lives again, I thought it would be fun to try and predict what Ryan Murphy and co. are planning on doing with their characters, but more importantly, where each individual character is heading in the long run. For example, Rachel Berry is on her way to Broadway, but will she get there? Kurt is dipping his toes in the fashion world, but we he succeed? These are the types of questions this article plans on figuring out for the 5 most important Glee characters. Because of last weeks depressing though great episode "The Break Up", we Glee fans could probably do with looking a little further ahead and out of the gloominess. Though most of the Glee couples broke up in last weeks episode, this doesn't mean they are going to stay apart, and this article will explore the characters potential futures. Many worry that the show will never even get another season, let alone the 7 that is needed at least to tie up the individual character goals and storyline. I however am more optimistic... though Glee's numbers have been slightly dropping, the show is still one of Fox's biggest hits (especially considering its new fall comedies haven't been doing all that well- though I am enjoying them) and still performs well in the all important teen and young adult demographic. Considering that most young people watch TV online these days, to perform well in this market to this audience is pretty difficult, and the show does very well on online streaming sites such as Itunes and Hulu, so the Nielson numbers really only represent a small, outdated percentage. If the network had a great new fall show I could perhaps see Glee being dropped, but because it doesn't, they'd be silly to drop a show with still a huge, guaranteed, and mostly loyal fan base. If Glee is dropped, consider this a great list of what could have beens. Predicting that it will at least get a 5th season, and Ryan Murphy will want to at least conclude the central characters storylines even if the fifth is the last, these are my likely predictions for where all your favorite characters are headed with their lives post McKinley Hugh school and beyond...
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I am a recent Screenwriting for Film and Television graduate from the UK. I am an unashamed geek who loves everything Marvel, and anything Joss Whedon has ever touched (except for maybe Alien Resurrection and Titan A.E). My current favorite TV shows are Breaking Bad, Family Guy, House of Cards, Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, Homeland and Glee. I look forward to debating things with all of you in the future. (As of January 2013 I have had over 1 million views since joining WhatCulture in September 2012. You can reach me at