3. The Scientist
(The Break-Up, Season Four) Later in The Break-Up, the four 'crisis couples', Wemma, Finchel, Klaine and Brittana, joined together in solace, share a fantasy performance of the Coldplay hit. Unfortunately only Wemma survive this episode making this song and performance something of a milestone for Glee, just not a good one. Although the song and production is pretty standard for Glee, it is interesting as an eye-opener for the characters as their lives begin to change drastically.
2. Some Nights
(Dynamic Duets, Season Four) After the very dramatic beginning of Season Four, the seven episode Dynamic Duets, injects a bit of the old Glee back into the game. Although the superhero plot of the episode is largely ridiculous, the closing group number is one of the highlights of the season thus far. Although the song is on the more Top-40 side, it is a good song, and perfect for a group performance. It showcases many of the new voices; Marley, Jake, Kitty and Ryder; as well as the old favourites Blaine, Tina and Sam and, if you can you believe it, even Joe gets a solo! The red shirt/blue jeans attire is also very much a homage to Don't Stop Believin' from Season One and stirs up some nostalgia from the good old days. The only disappointment was that this song wasn't used for a competition.
1. Anything Could Happen
(I Do, Season Four) Lastly, in the most recent episode, I Do, Will and Emma are to be married until Emma, in her usual fashion, freaks out and ditches him at the altar. However, the reception still goes ahead (weird) and a number of possible new storylines begin to intertwine, namely: Finchel reunion; Klaine reunion; Quinn-Santana hook-up (WTF); Artie hook-ups with Emma's abrasive niece and the continuing Jake, Ryder and Marley love triangle. However, the number is performed back at a McKinley and, other than being an Ellie Goulding song, is significant because it is interspersed with the beginnings of several new unfolding consequences. In particular, and shockingly, a possible pregnancy for Rachel. There is also visible tension between, the now friendly, Jake and Ryder, as Marley leads the number. Did we miss any of your favourite performances? Share your own picks below.