Hugo Strange is one of Batman's most intriguing villains, most well-known for having deduced the hero's identity and for his persistent attempts to "be" Batman. Strange has yet to make a live-action appearance in any Batman media and bringing him onto Gotham could be a great introduction to him for general audiences who may have also missed out on his fantastic turn in Batman: Arkham City. Strange could easily be brought onto the show in a number of ways, either as a psychiatrist at Arkham, a professor at Gotham State University or even as a psychological consultant on a GCPD case. The seeds that something's not entirely right with him could effectively be planted in his appearances, perhaps even leading to a Hannibal/Will Graham dynamic between him and Gordon should Strange decide to offer Gordon therapy. Regardless of how they tackle him, the possibilities for Strange are endless and we'd love to see his dangerous mind at work in the years before Batman comes home.
Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!