Gotham: 10 Reasons The Court Of Owls Will Enhance The Show

7. 'How I Love Killing Wayne's'

Gordon and Bruce share a strong bond in Gotham, beginning with Gordon promising to bring the murderer of Thomas and Martha Wayne to justice. Gordon feels a responsibility towards Bruce and the rise of the Court will bring this notion to the forefront of the show. Investigating the murder, Gordon discovers a message stating that Bruce Wayne will die. Bruce is then attacked by a Talon, who claims that he has been sentenced to die by the Court of Owls and Gordon makes the save, because if the future Batman dies then he doesn't have a show to star in. During this encounter, the Talon remarks , 'How I love killing Waynes', causing Damon, Marlon and Keenan to high-tail it because they misheard and thought their comeuppance for the horrible White Chicks was finally at hand. The Court of Owls target Bruce as they deem him to be potentially important as the prodigal son of Gotham. With Gordon dispatching of the Talon (whose powers would have to be nerfed because a moustache-less Gordon wouldn't be able to beat a ninja zombie who can take a dive off a skyscraper and dust himself off afterwards), a very real and immediate threat is established and a character-defining journey for both Bruce and Jim is set in motion.
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When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.