Gotham: 10 Things You Need To Know About Professor Pyg
Oink oink.

We're five episodes into the latest season of Gotham, and while it's unlikely as ever that it'll win over the most ardent of the show's detractors, it's equally true that Fox's flagship Bat-series has been at its very best as of late.
And, without getting into the myriad of reasons why it's a show people need to check out, the impending arrival of Professor Pyg must surely provide the incentive for fans to start paying attention.
One of the more decidedly horrifying foes in Batman's rogues gallery, Lazlo Valentine will be introduced to Gotham in next week's Hog Day Afternoon (a nod to the classic Pacino crime caper). The promo for the upcoming episode flaunted its horror credentials and, in no small way, looks to be taking the series in an altogether different kind of direction than what fans have previously been used to.
Granted, Gotham has never been one to shirk the darker elements of its source-material, but the introduction of Pyg intimates that we could be seeing a tonal shift somewhere down the line.
But what is it about Pyg that makes him so scary? Where did he come from and, more importantly, what do you need to know before he makes his small-screen debut? Fret not Bat-fans - we've got you covered.