Gotham: 10 Things You Need To Know About Professor Pyg
9. He Turns People Into Literal Zombies

Yep, if you thought the pig gimmick alone was scary enough, you've now also got to contend with the fact that Pyg is a huge fan of turning people into zombies.
And these aren't just any ordinary zombies either - Pyg's minions are far spookier. Referred to as 'Dollotrons', Pyg takes his victims and forcibly operates on their mind, genitals and face, with most emerging from the procedure mindless and, in most cases, with a doll-like persona to boot.
It's gruesome stuff, and Pyg can - at any one time - call upon an army of hundreds when the occasion calls for it. While it's unlikely we'll be seeing an army that size on the show (or indeed, the Dollotron procedure itself), it should give audiences a good idea of just how dark the character truly is.