Gotham: 10 Things You Need To Know About Professor Pyg

8. He Almost Killed Robin

Professor Pyg Robin
DC Comics

If you thought Pyg was just a threat for all the non-vigilantes out there, well... think again.

In the aforementioned Batman & Robin: Reborn, the character actually came dangerously close to killing Robin. And not just any Robin either, this was Damian Wayne, Batman's son who was raised by the League of Assassins.

Sure, he may have just been a 12 year-old at the time of his abduction, but as far as Robins go he's up there with the very best.

The scene in which he's held captive also made for one of the most disturbing in Batman's recent history, so there's little doubt that he'll be able to give Jim and co. a run for his money next week.

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