Gotham: 10 Things You Need To Know About Professor Pyg
4. He Doesn't Get Along With Other Bat-Villains

Here's another thing about Pyg: he's never been a team player.
This can probably be owed to the fact that, as a relatively new addition to the Bat-canon, he's automatically placed against the old-guard of DC's foes.
Gotham's done well to show the many, many internal divisions that plague the city's underworld, but with the 'Rise of the Villains' now well established, it'll be interesting to see how the city deals with this new wave of gimmick-oriented evil doers.
In the New 52, Pyg crossed with both Bane and Scarecrow in his attempts to establish control over Gotham City. Expect to see similar sparks fly if he proves to be more than a one-and-done character.