Gotham: 10 Things You Need To Know About Professor Pyg

5. He's One Of The Most Twisted Comics Villains Ever

Batman Professor Pyg
DC Comics

Gotham has, of course, brought to life some truly terrifying characters during its tenure, but none compare to Pyg.

Sure, there's something terrifying about any old serial killer, but what Pyg does comes straight out of a horror book... or horror comic.

And it's not just the surgery or the murder that gets underneath our skin - it's the whole motif in general. Again, Batman's no stranger to the horrifying villain or two, but Pyg, having opted for the slaughterhouse motif - one that looks more Tobe Hooper than Tim Burton - really stands out as being both visually and physically offensive.

You might think the Joker is bad, but wait until you get a load of this guy.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.