Gotham: Every Major Villain Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Barbara Kean (Seasons 1-5)

Gotham Jerome

Barbara Kean is somewhat of an odd one out on this list. Portrayed by Erin Richards, it was never the intention for Kean to become a villain. In the comics, Kean is simply James Gordon's wife but Gotham's writers were so impressed with Richards' acting that they decided to give the character a villainous streak which, continued to grow and grow.

Barbara had great character development and her storyline never felt stagnant. Few would've guessed that she was destined to become Gotham's newest crime boss - especially after falling victim to The Ogre in season one.

The scenes between Kean and Gordon were some of the show's best. Gordon was a resilient man - he had to be in a city like Gotham - but something about Kean weakened and unnerved him. That was the great thing about Barbara. She was constantly changing her alliances but that's what allowed her to stick around for so long.

Barbara Kean also formed 'The Sirens' alongside Selina Kyle and Tabitha Galavan, and we'll never say no to a bit of girl power.

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