Gotham Season 2: 10 Awesome Moments (And 4 That Sucked)

1. The Easy Defeat Of The Order Of St. Dumas

Theo Galavan provided the right amount of creepiness, charm and implied incest to become a memorable first true €˜big bad€™ for Gotham. Yes, we€™ve seen our Fish Mooney€™s and other organized crime bosses in the first season but Galavan was infinitely more memorable. He was akin to the lovechild of Dracula and the Great Gatsby and his ability to manipulate others took Gotham by storm. The fact that he looked like he ate a bowl of puppies every morning also helped. Initially, I had hopes that Galavan was the herald for the Court of Owls but was equally intrigued when it was revealed that he was an agent of the Order of Dumas, portrayed in the show as a cult established by one of Gotham€™s first families. The Order had a blood vendetta against the Wayne€™s, as Bruce€™s ancestor, Jonathan, had Caleb Dumas punished for his alleged sexual abuse towards Jonathan€™s sister, Celestine. Galavan seized power in Gotham so that the Order could take over and sacrifice Bruce. Tension built steadily and anticipation was high for the arrival of the Order. They were seemingly set to make the entire city suffer. Thus, after nearly an entire season of buildup, the mysterious sect finally came to be revealed as€ a bunch of stab-happy dudes in robes. Anyone expecting a hostile takeover of Gotham had to have been severely disappointed when it was revealed that there was nothing truly threatening or powerful about the Order. They were dismantled immediately because they were the Gotham equivalent of a group of geriatric old men from the local YMCA who felt composed to puncture people like pin cushions. Penguin€™s shotgun wielding army did more damage in one scene than these guys managed to do over the course of a few episodes. The Maniax were much more unpredictable, intimidating, destructive and entertaining than the kung-fu monks who don€™t even know kung-fu. All these guys did was huddle around a person and stab them repeatedly, like the victim was the only woman at a one-sided swingers party. It was disappointing to see the clever plotting of Galavan ultimately be for naught as he would have been much better off leaving his crazy uncles at home. Guns trump knives every time, unless a knife happens to shoot bullets. That would be a pretty awesome knife. What did you think of Gotham's second season? Did it make you forget the inconsistency of the first season or was it not enough to mend those wounds?
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When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.