Gotham Season 3: 6 Ups And 3 Downs From 'New Day Rising'

2. Emperor Penguin

Gotham Cobblepot

Having Pee-Wee Herman return as his father was a Burton reference that brought a tinge of nostalgic vision and warmth to the show (despite being a long-winded subplot). But Penguin as mayor? Other than penguins with missiles, this was a Tim Burton reference that we probably could have done without. It simply isn't believable. Surely, the plot will result in some interesting predicaments but this is a Down due to deniability.

Actually, I retract that. I am all for penguins with missiles.

A notorious criminal kingpin is now mayor and his chief in staff is a certified, bonafied, psychopathic, cold-blooded murderer. It's a sizable pill to shaft. If anything, Peguin has showed that he's stayed numerous step ahead of his competition, heavy limp and all, but all DeVito did was gnaw on fish and sexually harass interns. His criminality wasn't common knowledge. This is exactly like that Japanese cannibal who ate a dude and became a celebrity. Look it up and be disappointed/confused.

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When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.