Gotham Season 5: 3 Ups & 1 Down From 'I Am Bane'


1. A Convenience Too Far

Gotham Bullock

While much of the writing in I Am Bane is on the money, there are an odd few issues with the script here and there - namely one massive plot convenience.

Much of the episode's narrative relies on the abduction of Gordon, Bruce and General Wade - an incident that takes place early on in the instalment outside the GCPD. However, in order to ensure these guys are kidnapped, the writers had Bullock seemingly vanish, only to appear moments later when the vehicle was pulling away from the precinct. Bit convenient? Absolutely.

What's more, when the GCPD officer finally does show up, he simply stands and watches as the vehicle drives away, before turning to look in the direction of the viewers. It's a moment that was clearly used for dramatic effect to signify the end of an act - as well as the impending commercial break - but it was blatantly obvious what the writers were trying to do. In a real situation - i.e. one devoid of act breaks - Bullock wouldn't have lost the trail, as he would've ran to one of the nearby police vehicles and tailed the bad guys.

What did you make of I Am Bane? Tell us in the comment section below.

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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.